Page 33 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2017 4th Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2017
P. 33
second page, also exported into the text file and the Athlete Bežalec Results Commemoration
MySQL database. The following variants for generating the certificate
result lists are implemented: Registration athlete t1
athlete t2
• general classification results (for men and women) and athlete #1
athlete #2 .
• age group results (for men and women). .
. .
General classification results consist of all athletes (who fin- . athlete tn
ished the competition), while age group results comprise .
only of athletes of suitable age. The difference between gen- athlete #n
eral classification results and age group results is shown in
Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b. Back-up


Figure 8: The use-case diagram for software package

a) b) Figure 9: Automatically uploaded results list.

Figure 6: Difference between the general classifica- For that reason, a Node.js JavaScript run-time environment
tion and age group results. was used [3].

2.4 Printing commemorative certificates Fig. 9 (which is retouched, too) shows the uploaded result
list in a html format (pdf format is opened in a new tab).
The local running competition provides commemorative cer-
tificates for their athletes. Thus, we would like to create 3. DISCUSSION
them and print in a suitable format. Hence, we employed
sed and awk tools for automatic editing of athlete’s name, The idea of a sport management software does not merely
result and category in a pre-prepared latex source file, before present an application, but has a higher point of view. It can
a pdflatex tool was run under Linux operating system. The be upgraded by an autonomous chip-measuring equipment,
created certificate was printed using the lp printing tool in where athletes run over a magnetised carpet and trigger an
the next step. Fig. 7 displays the created commemorative interrupt, which means precisely athlete’s performed time
certificate. Due to keeping rights of the competition, the (integration of chip-measuring equipment with management
figure is retouched. software was primarily our goal). The structure of a pro-
posed automatic measuring system is shown in Fig. 10. It
remains our goal for future work.

Figure 7: Automatically created commemorative Figure 10: The structure of automatic measuring
certificate. system.

The whole ”Beˇzalec” software package can be summarized
by a use-case diagram in Figure 8.

2.5 Upload to the web page

In the end of the athlete’s result list manipulation, it is de-
sired that results are automatically uploaded to the website.

StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2017 4th Student Computer Science Research Conference 33
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