Page 146 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 146
Igor Rižnar

The quality and extent to which the reforms have so far been imple-
mented differ from country to country, and range from minor struc-
tural adjustments to major cultural shifts in education philosophy
(Crosier 2007). Frequently, good ideas are poorly implemented, and
sometimes, due to the national higher education policy choices, aca-
demics have become entrepreneurs, knowledge is seen as a commodity
and higher education institutions as mere market players. During the
last 25 years, big words have been used by advocates as well as by critics
of Bologna reforms.

Our contribution does not aim at giving a definitive picture of higher
education arena in Slovenia. We would much rather point out some im-
portant issues, which should be either avoided like the plague or given
more emphasis during our daily practice of teaching and learning. It
seems that during the transition period, especially the one that lasts
for a quarter of a century, it is sometimes difficult to retain common

Learning/Teaching and the Brain (Money for Nothing)
Education should be about facilitating learning. In 2016, there is lit-
tle quality learning/teaching possible without the full awareness of the
role of neuroscience, which is about understanding mental processes
involved in learning and teaching. Education is most certainly not only
learning facts and skills in isolation, but above all about learning how
to learn. Yet, only few students at all levels of education were lucky
enough to learn how to learn at school or are willing to pay for ‘the
secrets of effective learning’ on Udemy or Coursera. Education, we all
know, is not limited to school years, but should be extended through-
out the lifespan of individuals. Speaking about the lifelong education it
is good to know that our brain is constantly changing, because connec-
tions between neurons are strengthened when they are activated (the
so-called neuroplasticity). On the other hand, plasticity decreases with
age, which is why it is slightly more difficult to start learning a second

xrcd2 format in 2002, issued in Super Audio cd in 2005, released as DualDisc format
with dv d-Audio 24 bit/96kHz track in August 2005. In 2006, a half-speed-mastered
vinyl version appeared, in 2013, a hybrid s a cd mastered from the original tapes was
released. In 2014, a new master was released in Japan on s h m-cd and in 2015, the
album re-entered the u k Album charts. We may expect a new vinyl release in 2016. It
seems like everything was better back then when everything was worse. The author of
this contribution does not consider himself a fan of Dire Straits.

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