Page 142 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 142
Tatjana Koropec

life skills that we can possess is the ability to control our responses to
people and events around us.

Every situation in life involves an interwoven system of people and
a sequence of events, thoughts, words, feelings and interactions. Using
n lp, we begin to see the different elements in each situation that make
up the whole system. We can be trained to realise, understand and know
which of the elements are working for us and supporting our plan and
which ones are not. By understanding this process, we are able to take
actions to change things that are not working for us.

n l p techniques are based on the concept that we already possess all
the internal resources and capabilities we need to effect a change in our
life. Many people have difficulty maintaining a focused state of concen-
tration, enthusiasm, inspiration, motivation and learning. n l p tech-
niques allow us to automatically access any state we choose and to be
flexible enough to achieve any desired goal.

By applying n l p, students are able to set their goals and precisely de-
fine what they want to achieve. They take actions to achieve their goals
and evaluate the changes produced by their actions. Students are able
to change and modify their action plan if necessary to achieve better

Teachers, trainers and educators who are using n l p techniques can
quickly build rapport and grab the attention of students, instantly iden-
tify and overcome learning disabilities, communicate clearly with ease
and inspire learning. By stimulating the desire to learn and motivating
students to do so, teachers consistently increase the students’ involve-
ment. They develop a greater understanding of different learning styles
and they are able to be more creative, imaginative and stimulating in
their teaching styles.

Neuro-linguistic programming is a viable practice in teaching in gen-
eral, as well as in teaching foreign languages on the primary, secondary
and tertiary levels of education. Our contribution focuses only on the
postsecondary level of education, where the so-called multi-sensor
teaching can easily be applied.

We can derive wisdom from our adventures through the time zones
(future, past). For going in-and-out of those time zones, we can make
valuable learning from the past. We can also learn to do more conse-
quential thinking about where our current actions will take us in the

The resulting wisdom empowers us to take more effective action in

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