Page 123 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 123
Hypotheses Development

services will be only niches just in regional and national markets. Thus,
we postulate the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 9: The relationship between eco-innovation’s perfor-

mance and internationalization is direct and positive.
The overall hypotheses presented in this section can be summarized
(Table 9) to form the basis of the eco-innovation model (Figure 5).

Table 9: Summary of research hypotheses

Construct variable Hypothesis Hypothesized relationships

Environmental policy instruments

Command-and-control in- H1a Command-and-control instrument (+) Eco-innovation 123
Economic incentive instrument (+) Eco-innovation
Economic incentive in- H1b Customer demand (+) Eco-innovation
strument Managerial environmental concern (+) Eco innovation

Customer demand H2 Expected benefits (+) Eco-innovation

Managerial environmen- H3
tal concern

Expected benefits from H4

Competition H5a Eco-innovation (+) Competitive intensity
Competitive intensity Eco-innovation (+) Competitive pressure

Competitive pressure H5b Eco-innovation (+) Company growth
Company performance Eco-innovation (+) Company profitability
Company growth H6a Eco-innovation (+) Economic benefits
Company profitability H6b Eco-innovation (+) Competitive benefits
Eco-innovation (+) Internationalization
Economic benefits H7
Competitive benefits H8

Internationalization H9
   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128