Page 128 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 128
Pursuit of Eco-innovation

struments. The first latent variable was measured using a 4-item scale,
which was tailored to adapt to the Slovenian environment, with regard
to the environmental policy instruments. The second latent variable,
the economic incentive instrument, was measured using a 7-item scale,
adapted from Li (2014) to align to the Slovenian environment. We asked
each respondent to indicate the extent of their agreement with the state-
ments given in Table 11 (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree).

Table 11: Items for two latent variables (Command-and-control instrument, Economic in-
centive instrument)

Measurement variable Source

Command-and-control instrument

128 Our products should meet the requirements of national environmental regulations. Li (2014)

Our products should meet the requirements of international and/or EU environ- Adapted from Li (2014)
mental regulations.

Our production processes should meet the requirements of national environmen- Adapted from Li (2014)
tal regulations.

Our production processes should meet the requirements of international and/or Adapted from Li (2014)
EU environmental regulations.

Economic incentive instrument

The government provides preferential subsidies for environmental innovation (avail-
ability of government grants, subsidies or other financial incentives for environmen- Adapted from Li (2014)
tal innovation).

The government provides preferential tax policies for environmental innovation. Li (2014)

Environmental taxes – taxes on energy, transport, pollution/resources. Own

The government promotes environmental protection. Li (2014)

The government provides green public procurement. Own

The government provides opportunity to undertake environmental tenders/calls. Own

The government provides opportunity to undertake environmental projects. Zeng et al. (2011)

In Table 12, we present the items used for measuring two latent varia-
bles: competitive intensity and competitive pressure. Competitive inten-
sity is oriented more towards the general intensity in the industry, while
competitive pressure focuses on competition through the green concept.
Three items, adopted from Jaworski (1993), measured competitive inten-
sity. In addition, three items were used to measure the variable of compet-
itive pressure, adopted from Li (2014) and focusing on the green concept.
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