Page 147 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 147

Findings on the eco-innovations of analyzed companies will first be ana-
lyzed in terms of general findings. This section presents the study results
in four sections. First, we present the sample characteristics (Section 7.1),
followed by analyses of different constructs – general descriptive statis-
tics, followed by exploratory and confirmatory analyses for each con-
struct. The findings on eco-innovations of analyzed companies will first
be analyzed in terms of general findings (descriptive statistics). Second,
all the constructs will be analyzed and tested by employing an explorato-
ry analysis in SPSS and further conducting confirmatory factor analysis
in EQS. Therefore, we will first present the relevant descriptive statistics,
conduct exploratory and confirmatory analyses for the determinants of
eco-innovation (Sections 7.2), followed by the same analyses done for all
three eco-innovation types (product, process and organizational eco-in-
novation), presented in Section 7.3. We will conclude with the constructs
that measure eco-innovation outcomes (competitive benefits, economic
benefits, company performance and internationalization), which will be
presented in the same way as previously described (Section 7.4).
Sample characteristics
We received 223 usable responses from 223 companies. As previously
mentioned, the questionnaire, with cover letter and invitation, was sent
via email and addressed to the top executives, who were asked to forward
the questionnaire to the most appropriate person in their company for
responding on the subject of environmental issues. The respondents held
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