Page 152 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 152
Pursuit of Eco-innovation

panies (7.6%) with Clean production certificates. There are also 13 com-
panies (5.8%) that obtained Environment friendly process certificates,
followed by 12 companies (5.4%) that possess Responsible care certifi-
cates (common for the chemical industry). Companies have also acquired
other certificates, such as: eco-product of the year (7; 3.1%), Eco label (6;
2.7%), International environmental partnership (4; 1.8%) and Eco profit
(3; 1.3%). Lastly, 12 companies (5.4%) reported other certificates, such as
ISO 50001, ISO 9001 and ISO 18001.

Table 21: Environmental certificates/prizes that have obtained the included companies

Environmental certificates/prizes Number of companies Percent

ISO 14001 86 38.6%
4 1.8%
152 EMAS 6 2.7%
3 1.3%
Eco label 17 7.6%
Eco profit 25 11.2%
Clean production 12 5.4%
Environment friendly company 7 3.1%
Responsible care 4 1.8%
Eco-product of the year 13 5.8%
International environmental partnership 18 8.1%
Environment friendly process 20 9%
Energy efficient company 12 5.4%
Energy efficient project
Other (e.g., ISO 50001, ISO 9001, ISO 18001)

In addition, we asked companies when they started engaging in en-
vironmental activities in their company. On average, they started in the
year 2002. However, 101 companies (45.3%) began environmental activi-
ties less than 10 years ago, while 107 companies (48%) started more than
10 years ago with their first activities related to the environment.

Lastly, we present the level of innovativeness in the analyzed compa-
nies (see Table 22). We can see that 100 companies (44.8%) indicated that
they have not launched a new product or service in the global level, while
22 (9.9%) have. Furthermore, 44 companies (19.7%) have launched a new
product or service in their company’s offering even though similar prod-
ucts or services exist on the market, while 58 companies (26%) have not
introduced either type of innovation. Moreover, 43 companies (19.3%) en-
larged their present offering with new types, while 32 companies (14.3%)
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