Page 150 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 150
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

Between 21-50 years Number of companies Percent
More than 50 years 78 35%
62 27.8%
No Operating on foreign markets 67.7%
Commerce transactions 151 32.3%
B2B (business-to-business) 72
B2C (business-to-customer) 50.7%
Both 113 48.9%
109 4%

150 Concerning the internationalization aspect, 151 companies (67.7%)
are internationalized (operating on foreign markets), while 72 compa-
nies (32.3%) are not. Lastly, pertaining to the commerce transactions,
113 (50.7%) of companies operate on a business-to-business level and 109
(48.9%) operate on a business-to-customer level, while one company (4%)
operates on both.
Furthermore, Table 20 illustrates the main industry in which the
analyzed companies operate. We can see that the majority of compa-
nies operates in the service industry (110 companies; 49.3%), followed by
manufacturing (82 companies, 36.8%), while some companies have not
identified themselves with either of the given categories (28 companies;
12.6%). These companies indicated that they operate in several types of
industries, such as: ICT (6 companies; 2.7%), followed by cleaning ser-
vices (5 companies; 2.2%), waste management and distribution (4 com-
panies each; 1.8%). Moreover, companies also identified energy industry
and municipal activities as their main industry type (3 companies each;
1.4%), followed by the electro industry and, lastly, the automotive indus-
try (0.4%).
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