Page 33 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 33

by remaining stages encompassing raw materials and all till the end of life
of product/service/system as well as potential “recovery” and “reuse” op-
tions after the end of life (Maxwell and van der Vorst 2003). Therefore,
the focus of eco-innovation should be oriented towards eco-innovation’s
lifecycle, which implies that we should consider the use of resources from
the beginning (the conception phase of product) till the end of the pro-
duction process as well as when the product ‘expires’, referring to the end
life of the product (i.e., waste), to prevent release of harmful substances
into the environment.


Figure 2: Product lifecycle stages
Source: Maxwell and van der Vorst 2003, 885.

The second characteristic of eco-innovation is that of being more re-
source efficient (Competitiveness and Innovation Framework (2007 to
2013) in Charter and Clark 2007; Kemp and Foxon 2007; EIO 2010 in
EIO 2013a). Kemp and Foxon (2007) argue that eco-innovation is not
limited to new or better environmental technologies but includes every
environmentally improved product or service and organizational change
for the environment; that is, all new processes that are more resource effi-
cient are eco-innovations (Kemp and Foxon 2007).

As a third eco-innovation characteristic, we emphasize the environ-
mental impact (James 1997 in Charter and Clark 2007; Competitiveness
and Innovation Framework 2007 to 2013 in Charter and Clark 2007;
Rennings 2000; Rennings et al. 2004; Kemp and Foxon 2007; Speirs,
Pearson and Foxon 2008; Kammerer 2009; Ahmed and Kamruzzam-
an 2010; EIO 2011b; Angelo et al. 2012; Horbach, Rammer and Ren-
nings 2012). The literature acknowledges eco-innovations to be environ-
mentally benign and/or to benefit the environment, either intentionally
or unintentionally, by introducing new or significantly improved prod-
ucts, processes, organizational changes or marketing methods (Kammer-
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