Page 48 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2018. Nova glasba v “novi” Evropi med obema svetovnima vojnama ?? New Music in the “New” Europe Between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 2
P. 48
nova glasba v »novi« evropi med obema svetovnima vojnama

gest the fear and loneliness of the man as he sees the prison for the first

Example 8: Janáček: From the House of the Dead, Act 1. © With kind permission by Universal
Edition A.G., Wien.

Later in the act, one of the prisoners Skuratov, has gone almost mad
in the prison. He does a wild dance and then collapses in exhaustion. Over
repeated chords from the motto theme the rest of the prisoners comment
saying that he is a useless imbecile. And, puzzlingly, this passage is marked
maestoso (see ex. 10).

There are no occurrences of maestoso in Act 2, which is by far the most
light-hearted act of the opera. But at the end of the short prelude to Act 3
there are three bars marked maestoso before the curtain goes up. They pres-
ent a musical theme that is heard towards the end of the opera, associated
with freedom.

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