Page 93 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, eds. 2018. Zdravje starostnikov ▪︎ Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 93
ergenerational programs as a solution to the social isolation psihosocialni vidiki prilagajanja na staranje | psychosocial aspects of adjustment to aging
of the elderly
Anja Zagoričnik, Argresa Bylykbashi, Andrej Starc
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction: Loneliness and social isolation are becoming a serious problem
within the institutionalized care of elderly people in nursing homes and they are
major obstacle to the mental and physical health of the elderly. On the market
we can find robot animals for solving this problem, but we believe that there is
a more empathic solution at the level of intergenerational program. This solu-
tion is practice in foreign countries.
Methods: We will undertake a systematic overview of Slovenian and foreign
scientific and professional literature with a descriptive method of work in the
field of the distribution of intergenerational programs for children and the el-
derly, as well as the positive and negative properties of these. We used descrip-
tive method with literature review to make meta-analysis. The review was re-
stricted to studies published since 2007 to 2017 and included 10 articles.
Results: As with other people, the need for active life, socialization and social
inclusion is also evident in the life of elderly. By reviewing the literature we jus-
tified the benefit of intergenerational cooperation, highlighted the problems of
the elderly, presented examples of well organized intergenerational associa-
tions around the world and justified the importance of socializing older people.
Discussion and conclusions: The solution of mentioned problem within insti-
tutionalized care is necessary since the population of the elderly around the
world is growing and is facining us with a wide array of challenges.
Keywords: intergenerational program, active aging, pre-school children,
nursing homes, social isolation of older people

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