Page 29 - Potocco, Marcello, ed. 2018. Literatura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature. The Crossroads of Literature and Social Praxis. Zbornik povzetkov. Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 29
a Lomidze the crossroads of literature and social praxis, ljubljana, 2018 27
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The Politics of Rhetoric and the Rhetoric of Politics

The paper deals with the problem of how power relations reveal
themselves in the post-Soviet Georgian literature, namely in the lit­
erary and non-literary texts of 1990s and the beginning of 2000s.
We will use the diathetical (active, passive, medium) approach, as
well as some methods introduced by New Historicism, Cultural
Materialism and Cultural Studies, to analyze Georgian literary texts
of the transitional period (post civil war poets – David Chikhladze,
David Barbakadze, Zurab Rtveliashvili and representatives of the
so called ‘Gagarin generation’) and compare them to the anti-Sovi­
et tendencies present in the Georgian literature of the Soviet peri­
od. This approach will help us to identify signs of social and politi­
cal systems in discursive practices. We will also discuss the function
of laughter in the painful process of the paradigm shift during Geor­
gia’s transitional period (the scandalous and widely discussed sto­
ry “The First Russian” by Lasha Bugadze and the animated political
and satirical series “Pestilence”).
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