Page 113 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 113
The literature review results suggest that the adoption and the use of new tackling frailty with the help of information-communication technology 113
technologies remain problematic, especially for the elderly. The implementa-
tion challenge is often present, as the adoption and use of new technologies re-
duce with age (this is indicated by the number of the elderly, who start using the
Internet) (Niehaves and Plattfaut, 2014), as well as the adoption of health-relat-
ed ICTs (Heart and Kalderon, 2013). Resistance to ICT adoption by the elderly
is often linked to their abilities, capacity and social impacts, whereas socio-de-
mographic factors such as gender, age, education, and income also play an im-
portant role. In order to increase the acceptance of health-related ICTs among
elderly, ICTs should be simple and useful to users, and special attention should
be given to personality traits of the individual as well as learning and support in
the use of ICT (Heart and Kalderon, 2013). ICTs should promote successful life-
long development in all age groups and should not be focused solely on the state
of disability/impairment (Baltes et al., 1999). Therefore, higher rate of ICT us-
age among frail elderly could be achieved by introducing ICTs to them well be-
fore the onset of the state of disability/impairment (Lindenberger et al., 2008).

Application and use of ICTs among frail persons are multidimensional and
seem to play an important role within management of frailty, namely with-
in the support of prevention as well as complex care of frail elderly. Especially
from the perspective of physical activity and exercise, and motion detection or
falls prevention, as well as nutrition, sleep, overall well-being, cognitive func-
tions, social interaction, communication, psychological state, and support to
other daily activities of frail elderly. However, several questions and challeng-
es remain unanswered.

BALTES, P. B., STAUDINGER, U. M. and LINDENBERGER, U., 1999. Lifespan

psychology: theory and application to intellectual functioning. Annual
Review of Psychology, vol.50, p.471–507.
habilitation gaming Platform for Fall Prevention in the Elderly Commu-
nity. International Journal of Health Research and Innovation, vol.2, no.1,
BARLOW, James, SINGH, Debbie, BAYER, Steffen and CURRY, Richard,
2007. A systematic review of the benefits of home telecare for frail elderly
people and those with long-term conditions. Journal of Telemedicine and
Telecare, vol.13, no.4, p.172–179.
BEARD, John R. and BLOOM, David E., 2015. Towards a comprehensive public
health response to population ageing. Lancet, vol.385, no.9968, p.658–661.
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