Page 109 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 109
kling frailty with the help of information-
communication technology

Špela Selak, Branko Gabrovec

National institute of Public Health, Trubarjeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Introduction: Frailty seems to be highly prevalent among the elderly,
while its prevalence is estimated to be between 5 % and more than 45 %
depending on definition and age group. Beside impairment, dependence
on others, and one or more chronic diseases, it appears to be almost
inevitable consequence of demographic changes in the society. Solutions
and services adapted to the elderly and supported by the information-
communication technology (ICT) seem to significantly contribute to
facing population’s demographic ageing.
Methods: The literature review, which researches and describes
management of frailty with the help of ICT, was carried out (use of
PRISMA protocol) between March and June 2017.
Results: Number of all research results was 124,634, while 33 articles were
included in the analysis.
Discussion and conclusions: Application and use of ICT among frail
persons is multidimensional and plays an important role within
management of frailty. Especially in the sense of physical activity and
exercise, and motion detection or falls prevention, as well as nutrition,
sleep, overall well-being, cognitive functions, social interaction,
communication, psychological state, and support to other daily activities
of frail elderly. However, several questions and challenges remain
Key words: information-communication technology, ICT, ageing, frailty,
frailty management

We are facing the demographic ageing of the population, whereas by
the year 2060 the percentage of EU citizens over 65 is expected to
increase 10 % (18-28 %) and the percentage of EU citizens over 80 to
more than double (5 – 12 %) (World Health Organization, 2015). Although life

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