Page 118 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 118
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 118 provides a strategy for sustaining independence and autonomy (van Hoof at al.,
2010). There are many smart technologies available, which the elderly people
have already accepted, and which can enable them to live in a home environ-
ment (Morris at al., 2013). With ageing deterioration of physical abilities is inev-
itable, but the effects of ageing are very individual and sole chronological age is
a bad indicator of physical ability of the elderly (Manini, 2011). Disability is one
of the main disadvantageous health issues connected with ageing, of which the
main causes are bodily impairment caused by a chronic illness, acute events
such as hip fracture or brain stroke, as well as progressive illnesses (Fried and
Guralnik, 1997). The basic characteristic of neuromuscular disorders is mus-
cular weakness. Resulting from this weakness are secondary effects such as
scoliosis, contractures, respiratory insufficiency, etc. Rehabilitation of patients
with neuromuscular disorders is based on strengthening of the muscles in-
cluding strengthening of the respiratory muscles and procedures of cleaning
airways, maintenance of the range of motion in joints, stretching of the con-
tractures, equipment with orthoses, etc. Psychosocial rehabilitation programs
are also very important (Zupan, 2010). The progressive nature of neuromuscu-
lar disorders causes a decrease in mobility, and the mobility impaired persons
use wheelchairs as a technological aid for greater independence (Pousada et
al., 2017). There are numerous technical aids for mobility, daily activities, con-
trolling living environment, communication, leisure activities (Zupan, 2015).
With modern technical aids, patients with neuromuscular disorders are less
dependent on foreign aid, more independent and safe in their home environ-
ment, more involved in the social environment, education and work (Fowler,

UMAR (2017) in the Strategy of the long living society, explains the con-
ditions for an independent quality life of the elderly. It notes that living condi-
tions are not sufficiently adapted to the needs of the elderly, while adjustments
are made to a modest extent. It also notes the low mobility of the elderly, which
is not typical of older people in other countries, that are developing options to
have ownership apartments exchanged for ensuring social security and long-
term care. It finds conditions in Slovenia cause overly high costs of apartment
upkeep, which further worsen the possibilities of the elderly to meet their oth-
er needs.

The aim of this study was to identify the strategy for the possibilities of el-
derly disabled people with neuromuscular disorders to live independently out-
side institutions. We pursued this goal through SWOT analysis and based on it
we developed key strategies.

We designed an empirical qualitative study, using the case study method. The
sample included seven severely disabled persons with neuromuscular disor-
ders, who live independently and organise their own lives. Their mobility is
dependent on the use of an electrical wheelchair. They were chosen random-
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