Page 136 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 136
OR preschool) AND (elderly OR aged OR older OR geriatric OR senior) AND
intergenerational program AND social isolation AND (retirement home OR
nursing home)« in different variants. Slovene literature was searched with the
following keyword: »medgeneracij* program*«.

Table 1: List of inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
IG program Dementia
IG activity Adults, young people (everyone up to 7 years)
Social isolation Book
Elderly (everyone up to 65 years) Architecture of IG buildings or places
Children (7 years or younger) Thesis
Articles with appropriate methodology
zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 136 Kindergarten or preschool
Retirement home

Table 2: Overview of studies

Author(s) and year Aim of research Methodology Results
Cook and Bailey, 2013 A lot of participants spoke of im-
Exploring care Qualitative study portance of keeping in touch with
Fitzpatrick, 2013 home residents’ with interviews family for their quality of life.
views of connec- They also valued contact with
tions they have and people that are not relatives. The
would like to have authors represented the challeng-
with younger gener- es of implementing IG initiatives
ations. with pros and cons.
It was obtained that there is the
Exploring why IGP Literature review for lack of research and evaluation
learning involv- Europe IG project data on extra-familial IG learning
ing young children (TOY) in the academic literature. How-
and older people is ever, a wide range of more infor-
important in con- mal documentation and evidence
temporary Europe; illustrating a limited number of
explain key defini- examples of IGP.
tions, concepts and Contribution of young children
terminology; syn- to IG learning is an issue that
thesize key Europe- merits more attention.
an research which Building critical capacity over
identifies the goals time will require key sectors such
and benefits of IG as schools, care settings and civ-
learning; exploring il society groups to recognize the
if regional trends potential of IG learning. At lo-
exist in relation to cal government level planning for
IG learning; identi- communities and public spaces
fying emerging is- requires awareness of the benefits
sues and concerns, of all generations meeting and in-
which will be fur- teracting.
ther explored.
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