Page 137 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 137
Author(s) and year Aim of research Methodology Results
Fried et al., 2013
Gualano et al., 2017 Trial evaluates re- Dual evaluations For older adults, IGP shows the
Hozjan, 2010 sults from IGP Ex- primary outcome as decreased
Kang, et al., 2016 perience Corps. disability in mobility and Instru-
Whether senior vol- mental Activities of Daily Living
unteer roles within (IADL). Secondary outcomes are
this program bene- decreased frailty, falls, and mem-
ficially impact chil- ory loss; slowed loss of strength,
dren’s academ- balance, walking speed, cortical
ic achievement and plasticity, and executive function;
classroom behavior objective performance of IADLs;
in public elementa- and increased social and psycho-
ry schools and im- logical engagement.
pact on the health For children, primary outcomes
of volunteers. are improved reading achieve-
ment and classroom behaviour
in Kindergarten through the 3rd intergenerational programs as a solution to the social isolation of the elderly 137
grade; secondary outcomes are
improvements in school climate,
teacher morale and retention,
and teacher perceptions of old-
er adults.

To summarize the Ten studies evaluated children’s
effects of IG activi- outcomes outlining the positive
ties on both, elderly impact of IGP upon children’s
and children. Literature review - perception of elderly. The effects
Identifying the key followed the PRISMA on older participants were varie-
elements of the IG statements gated. The retrieved studies out-
activities and deter- lined the importance of a care-
mining the success ful organization and of a specific
of these programs. training for all staff members.

To review and sum- Perspective, opin- Slovenia is facing the challenge
marize recent ac- ion and commentary of maintaining and improving
tivities in the field article the systems of IG solidarity in the
of IG cooperation current demographic conditions.
in Slovenia in or- Another challenge the country is
der to highlight cer- facing is establishing an appropri-
tain difficulties, to ate link between various govern-
stimulate new re- ment departments, non-govern-
search and to estab- mental organizations and active
lish more system- individuals. This is not a sim-
atic connections ple task, since the planning of
between partici- IGP touches the family, educa-
pants. tion, employment, health system,
pension insurance, housing pol-
icy, health system, spatial plan-
ning, etc.

To synthesize cur- The findings of this review may
rent findings on inform future directions for addi-
the relationship be- tional research and for develop-
tween social en- ing and testing the efficacy of po-
gagement and cog- tential interventions to facilitate
nition during two Integrative review cognitive development and/or
preservation via increased social
particularly critical engagement.
periods of life, early
childhood and older
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