Page 24 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 24
creased the number of sets and repetitions in order to develop the endurance
of the postural muscles that were weak in the patient and reflected poor pos-
ture. Third and fourth week there were 2 sets with 8 repetitions, the next two
weeks we upgraded to 10 repetitions and in the last two weeks the patient was
able to perform 3 sets with 8 repetitions. The dance part included dance moves
that were systematically upgraded to the point where the subject was able to
perform three Standard dances at the end of the program. We chose three dif-
ferent dances, depending on the dynamics and style, namely: tango, slow fox-
trot and slow waltz.

zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 24 Results
The greatest progress in motor skills was observed in some of the subtests of the
BBS. In initial measurements we observed that the subject turned with short
steps and whole body (“en bloc”) which is typical for patients with PD. At week
8, the patient was turning more rapidly, and had a greater natural hand move-
ment while walking. The results are consistent with timed up and go test, as
this test was also performed faster. Improvement was also observed in other
tasks of the BBS, and it is necessary to mention the 2 points improvement in
the examination of the looking over the shoulder. In initial measurements, the
patient did not transfer weight when looking over the shoulder and the move-
ment was performed only in the neck. In the final measurements at week 8, the
subject transferred weight to the opposite leg, and the turn began at the pelvic
girdle. The improvement in the weight transfer from one leg to the other is al-
so reflected in the improvement in the speed of performing the test of alternat-
ing touch of the box with the legs. An important improvement was observed
in the tandem stand with closed eyes, where the subject improved the time for
as much as 18 seconds, indicating a better ability to maintain a balanced posi-
tion despite disturbances. The Stroop test showed a significant improvement in
version B, where a conflict situation occurs at the level of automatic processing.

Table 1: Differences between inital and final state in motor functions.

Variables Initial Final
12.29s 9.27s
BBS 49 56
Sitting to standing 4 4
Standing unsupported 4 4
Sitting unsupported 3 4
Standing to sitting 4 4
Transfers 3 4
Standing with eyes closed 4 4
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29