Page 47 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 47
the loss of energy. Nevertheless, regular physical activity is a key compo- positive ageing: the problem of young generation or challenge for modern society 47
nent of healthy ageing, but few older adults meet physical activity guidelines
(Andrews et al., 2017). Physical and social loss are two dimensions that cap-
ture negative ageing experience, while on the other side, personal growth and
gaining self-knowledge are two dimensions that capture positive ageing expe-
rience. Continious personal development, such as learning new skills and im-
proving one‘s capabilities are important part of personal growth. The dimen-
sion of gaining self-knowledge describes the ageing process as self-acceptance
and compensation (i.e. understanding one‘s capabilities and developing meth-
ods to work around one‘s limitations) (Fasbender et al., 2014).

Life expectancy has increased consistently for more than one century and
continues to increase further, so we have to better understand ageing process
and post-retirement feelings and emotions. The environment that will receive
ageing population needs to be prepared so that there is a huminised caring en-
vironment and also this place should have a proposal to offer opportunities to
health promotion of the elderly (Pilao et al., 2016). There are also various age-
ing theories and its theoretical perspectives that will promote a better under-
standing among nurses about the attitudes and behaviors of older adults in dif-
ferent contexts (Lalani, 2017).

Older adults regard retirement as a positive thing and tend to reduce their so-
cial contacts and activities. That is why the importance of physical activity and
social networking cannot be overestimated. There are different pathways to
reach positive views on ageing. Those who find a sense of meaning in life tend
to enjoy better physical health, experience fewer symptoms of depression, are
more happier and age more gracefully. We think nurses need to have an in-
depth understanding of the theoretical concepts and its meaning underlying
different theories of succesful ageing. This will assist nurses to provide ench-
anced quality care in their practice settings.

Positive ageing nowadays is not that much of a problem of young gener-
ation, then it is a challenge for modern society. We have to find new ways and
programmes to encourage individuals to prepare themselvse on new life roles
while leaving midlife period and entering pre-retirement period. It is impor-
tant to build a strong psychological support and evolve positive ageing experi-
ence on all four dimensions.

And our young generation? We have to start breaking negative ageing
stereotypes and aim to coexistence and open-mind about going in to the same


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