Page 44 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 44
vidual is suddenly facing a fear for the future, he is trying to find new roles in
society and has a lot of insecurities ageing can bring. That is why it is impor-
tant to find a sense of transcendence, being a part of something beyond the self
and trying to find meaning in life (Stevens, 2016). You try to live life to the full-
est and age gracefully, which is a good catalyst for positive ageing. A term, used
to describe the process of maintaining a positive attitude, feeling good about
yourself, keeping fit and healthy, and engaging fully in life as you age (Den-
mark and Zarbiv, 2016).

zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 44 Methods
We used a descriptive research method with a critical review of Slovenian and
English professional and scientific literature. It was carried out using the Slove-
nian online library COBISS. We also used some databases such as MEDLINE
(Pubmed), CINAHL, Cochrane, ScienceDirect and Wiley Online Library. We
were searching within ageing psychology field, coping with retirement and pos-
itive ageing. We conducted a meta-synthesis. Literature inclusion criteria were
articles published between 2007 and 2017, English language and appropriate
content. The applied keywords in English were: (positive) ageing, older adults,
elderly, retirement, psychological adjustment, psychology of ageing and posi-
tive view on ageing. The literature search took place from March to April 2018.

Ten studies were obtained that show tangible evidence on connection between
preparation for old age, retirement and succesful (positive) ageing.

Table 1: Overview of studies

Author and year Purpose of research Methodology Results
Craciun and Flick, 2015 Preparation for old age
Exploring positive aging Qualitative study – epi- implies several deci-
Craciun et al., 2015 goals in different social sodic interview sions that one needs to
circumstances. take such as making life-
style changes (e.g., man-
To provide a better un- Qualitative study – epi- tain physical activity lev-
derstanding of posi- sodic interviews el, decide where to live
tive views on aging in in old age and organize
an emerging precarious care facilities, changing
context. eating or physical activi-
ty patterns, etc.).
Individuals place em-
phasis on adaptability
and flexibility more than
on stability and long
term planning, prov-
ing they have adjusted
to their precarious living
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