Page 45 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 45
Author and year Purpose of research Methodology Results
Craciun et al., 2017 To investigate whether Explanatory sequential
positive views on aging mixed methods Data reflects the impor-
can compensate the det- Longitudinal study tance of positive views
rimental association of on aging as a resource
a lack of resources with Longitudinal study for a healthy old age de-
health and well-being in Longitudinal cohort spite aging in precarious
midlife. study circumstances.

To examine the preva- Retrospective cross-sec- Variables and factors
Fernandez-Ballesteros et. lence of successful aging tional longitudinal study that are the most con-
al., 2011 and to identify the pre- Cross-sectional study sistent predictors of
dictors of aging criteria. Quantitative study successful aging: men,
higher income, better
Hessel, 2016 To analyse if retirement education, physical ac- positive ageing: the problem of young generation or challenge for modern society 45
has effects on individu- tivity, positive emotion-
als‘ health. al balance, extraversion,
self-efficacy for aging
To examine potential and family network.
mediators of the rela- Retirement led to signif-
tionship between per- icant improvements in
Hicks and Siedlecki, 2017 ceptions of aging and self-reported health in
health outcomes (i.e. men and women as well
subjective health and as lowered risk of report-
physical limitations). ing limitations in activ-
ities of daily living for
Houlfort et al., 2015 To predict that harmo- women.
nious passion will lead Positive views on aging
to positive psychologi- are significantly related
cal adjustment to retire- to both subjective health
ment. and physical limitations.
More positive views on
Paul et al., 2015 To obtain evi- aging were associat-
dence-based knowledge ed with better reported
on how people age. health, as well as lower
degree of self-reported
Phillips and Ferguson, To investigate wheth- physical limitations.
2013 er self-compassion may Passion for work mat-
be associated with sub- ters in psychological ad-
jective and psychological justment to retirement
well-being. – especially harmonious
passion, because with
such a passion individu-
als can invest and engage
in activities that satis-
fy their basic psychologi-
cal needs.
Young males, married
individuals and those
having higher education-
al levels are aging more
Older adults are likely
to experince positive af-
fects if they treat them-
selves with care and un-
derstanding to adverse
events and hold painful
thoughts and feelings in
balanced awareness.
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