Page 87 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 87
A descriptive method of work was used with a critical review of both scientific
and professional literature in the Slovenian and English languages. The litera-
ture was searched using the CINAHL, Medline and COBIB.SI databases. The
search for literature and resources included literature published between 2007
and 2017. The inclusion criteria for the selection of literature were; free access to
full-text articles and articles related to diabetes and diabetes related to physical
activity. However, the exclusion criteria concerned mainly older articles that
did not fall below a certain limit of literature search. The search was carried
out using keywords: Type 2 diabetes, diabetic foot, physical activity of the el-
derly. Data collection took place in March until May 2018 (Table 1 and Table 2).

Table 1: Keywords

Keywords CINAHL Medline COBIB.SI physical activity of the elderly with a diabetic foot 87
»Type 2 diabetes« 129 144 136
»diabetic foot« 39 52 53
»physical activity of the elderly« 28 31 30
Skupaj 196 227 219

Table 2: Exclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria Number of units removed
1) duplication of articles 43
2) focus on other disorders 104
3) focusing only on another population 178
4) older article research 41
5) Focus on diabetes 1  206
6) the contents of the article do not match the author‘s keywords 56
Together 628

It has long been known that physical activity affects the reduction of blood sug-
ar. With physical work, glucose is consumed. The sensitivity of tissue to insulin
is also increased. Physical activity is recommended for every person, including
diabetes (after prior consultation with a doctor), because with regular physi-
cal activity, the body is kept in good condition, so that it is easier to carry out
everyday efforts and daily stress (Battelino and Janež, 2007).

A systematic review of literature suggests the importance of physical ac-
tivity and exercise as a key intervention in the prevention of diabetic foot, al-
though there are several different exercises and methods that have similar ben-
efits to the already given goal. The literature review also proves that exercise is
a useful non-pharmacological method for the prevention of diabetic periph-
eral neuropathy and slows down the appearance of ulceration and skin le-
sions in the aforementioned patients. Most specialists recommend aerobic ex-
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