Page 88 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 88
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 88 ercise, which causes deep breathing and increases heart rate and stroke volume
(Lipnik, 2014). Aerobic exercise has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It us-
es fatty acids for energy, and the reduction in the level of free fatty acids in the
blood is probably the reason for this. A high level of fatty acids found in obesi-
ty, especially in the case of type 2 diabetes, has adverse effects on metabolism.
Insulin resistance is increased, insulin secretion from beta cells in the pancre-
as is weakened, blood fats are unfavourably altered, the state develops as well as
in inflammatory inflammation, and in the long run this leads to cardiovascu-
lar disease (Medvešček and Pavčič, 2009). If aerobic activity is carried out reg-
ularly, the effects are long lasting. Body weight also decreases, in particular by
reducing the amount of fat in the abdomen. The effects are particularly favour-
able in the elderly, because the muscle mass decreases with aging, while the fat
content of the body increases (Medvešček and Pavčič, 2009).

Authors LeMaster et al., (2008) argue that a good program of training for
a patient with diabetes, does not necessarily mean the emergence or worsen-
ing of diabetic foot. Study by Hung and colleagues. (2009) refers to the theo-
ry of tai chi practice where in patients, blood glucose can be improved after 12
weeks of practice and at the same time reduces the possibility of diabetic foot
formation (Table 3).

Table 3: Overview of studies

Author/year Purpose of research Methodology Results
Balducci et al., 2007 The effect of long-term Quantitative method
exercise training in pa- of work Long-term aerobic exercise
LeMaster et al., 2008 tients with type 1 and Quantitative method can prevent the onset of dia-
type 2 diabetes. of work betic peripheral neuropathy.
To determine the effect
of the training program Promoting physical activity
in diabetic foot patients does not mean deterioration
of the diabetic foot.
Study the effect of tai chi In patients, blood glu-
chuan exercise on pe- cose can be improved for 12
Hung et al., 2009 ripheral nerve modu- Quantitative method weeks with tai chi chuan ex-
lation in patients with of work ercise. A further larger ran-
domized controlled clinical
type 2 diabetes trial with longer time moni-
toring is required.
Ahn S, Song R.2012 Find out the effects of Quantitative method In patients, blood glu-
Tai Chi practice on glu- of work cose can be improved for 12
cose control, neurop- weeks with tai chi chuan ex-
athy results and quali- ercise. A further larger ran-
ty of life in patients with domized controlled clinical
type 2 diabetes and neu- trial with longer time moni-
ropathy. toring is required.
Moderate intensities of aero-
Dixit et al., 2014 Assess the effect of mod- bic exercises play an impor-
erate aerobic exercise on Quantitative method tant role in disorders of the
diabetic peripheral neu- of work progression of diabetic pe-
ropathy. ripheral neuropathy in type
2 diabetes.
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93