Page 83 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 83
abilities at the members of the exercising group were still improving which effects of regular exercise on elderly people 83
show the tests of getting up from a chair for 30 seconds, weightlifting sitting for
30 seconds, torso bending forward on the bench, stand-up and go and 9-min-
ute walking. The decline of motor abilities after four years was observed on-
ly in balance on one leg with eyes open test due to the links between the senso-
ry-neuronal system and α -motor neurons, which die with age and weaken the
stabilizing of the knee joint (Madhavan et al., 2005 & 2009); it was demonstrat-
ed by the comparative research between the young and the elderly over 65. They
found out significant differences between the young and the elderly by standing
on one leg with squatting exercise, at first with eyes open and then eyes closed.
Comparing the sample results of the members of the control group for the peri-
od from 2006/07 to 2011, after four years, we noticed the reduction of all motor
abilities, because the measured results were lower in all tests, except at touch-
ing hands on the back.

The results of this research are part of recognition that with adapted physical
exercising, with an emphasis on strength, flexibility and balance, we can sig-
nificantly influence the improvement of functioning of the locomotors system,
balance and strength at the elderly. Regular exercises improve physical abil-
ities and thus the functional competence of the individuals, which is reflect-
ed in better health and well-being, better independent performance of all basic
tasks which in the process enable free physical movement, enlargement of liv-
ing space and autonomous living without the help of others. We wish that the
results of adapted physical exercising contributed to the decision making of the
wider female and male population, aged 65 and over, to make physical activity
the way of their life. Since 2009, the exercises are going in the Slovene area by
the method of 1000 movements (Grishin, 2012) within the Society of School of
health, where elderly have the exercises every day at 7.30 in the morning in na-
ture. Further researches of physical activity at the elderly over 65 would be defi-
nitely interesting for the follow-up on the national level in order to determine
the functional capacity of older people and that would allow us to plan the de-
velopment of programs for active spending of life in the third period.

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