Page 112 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 112
ra Pejić Papak, Jasna Arrigoni, and Željka Ivković

Table 2 Factor Analysis of Teachers’ Views towards Natural Sciences

Items F F F F

Education in the field of science is necessary for pupils to be .
more involved in the technological problems of society.

Content of science classes is essential for the pupils’ develop- .

Science in primary school is necessary so that pupils would be .
able to make the right choices in their education.

Science must be represented in primary education as early as .

Teachers with less experience working on scientific topics .
should also be additionally trained in this area.

Science is the foundation of social development. .

Building a society rests on scientific studies. .

If a child loves to learn, (s)he should be directed to science. .

Knowing the methods of scientific work is the deciding factor .
in the decision whether to teach natural science in the class-
room or not.

Availability of resources and aids determines my decision to .
teach science content.

I am very capable of dealing with pupils’ science questions. .

I possess enough knowledge of the content to be able to pro- .
vide quality support to pupils in research and project design.

If pupils do not come up with solutions when working on sci- .
ence projects, I believe I can successfully assist them in finish-
ing the task.

In terms of the content, I consider science a difficult subject to .

In terms of spatial and material condition, I consider teaching .
science content as challenging.

I feel insufficiently competent to teach natural sciences in the .

Notes F1 – Educational-developmental dimension of science, F2 – Science as a driver of social
development, F3 – Positive feelings towards science, F4 – Negative feelings towards science.

variance, namely: I am very capable of dealing with pupils’ science questions;
I possess enough knowledge of the content to be able to provide quality sup-
port to pupils in research and project design; and If pupils do not come up with
solutions when working on science projects; and I believe I can successfully as-
sist them in finishing the task. With regards to the orientation of the variables
on teachers’ competences of those teachers who demonstrate possession of
sufficient knowledge about the science content and the ability to teach and

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