Page 42 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 42
die G. C. Malotaux-Christophersen, Sven A. C. Mathijssen, and Lianne Hoogeveen

questionnaire, an area covering 75 of the page was reserved to make the
drawing within a box. At the top, there were questions concerning the par-
ticipants, about gender, age, program followed at primary school, and lan-
guage spoken at home. Questions on the back page concerned the per-
son they drew. The first question was about gender and age, followed by
a request to rate, on a six-point rating scale, to which degree (1 absolutely
not, 2 a little, 3 a little less than normal, 4 a little more than normal, 5 good,
6 very good) the following characteristics and talents fitted their pictured

Characteristics and talents presented were:

– This person has good technical skills
– This person is imaginative
– This person is mathematically talented
– This person is persisting
– This person is well liked by others
– This person is talented in languages
– This person is hardworking
– This person is talented in computer sciences
– This person is talented in artistic areas
– This person is talented in science
– This person makes friends easily
– This person is cooperative
– This person is creative

Finally, the participants had the opportunity to add important character-
istics not yet asked for.

The questions ‘This person has good technical skills,’ ‘This person is imag-
inative,’ ‘This person is mathematically talented,’ ‘This person is well liked by
others,’ ‘This person is talented in languages,’ ‘This person is hardworking’
and ‘This person is talented in artistic areas,’ were similar to those asked in
the research done by Aljughaiman et al. (2012), however five questions were
added. As Boekaerts (2003) stated that Dutch youngsters had a deep per-
sonal desire to be liked by their peers, the question ‘This person likes to be
around people’ was added. The questions about computer sciences and sci-
ence were added, as in the Netherlands, women are still underrepresented
in those areas; the participation of highly educated women in computer sci-
ences decreased to 11.3 (Van Uitert & Van der Aalst, 2014). In addition, the
questions about persistence, being cooperative, and making friends easily,

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