Page 358 - Kotnik, Vlado. 2018. Medijske etnografije: K antropološki imaginaciji medijev in komuniciranja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 358
medijske etnografije: k antropološki imaginaciji medijev in komuniciranja
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Blain, Neil & Boyle, Raymond & O’Donnell, Hugh (1993) Sport and National
Identity in the European Media. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
Blanchard, Kendall (1995) The Anthropology of Sport: An Introduction.
Westport: Bergin & Garvey.
Bogatec, Norina & Bufon, Milan (2008) Pre-misliti manjšino: Slovenci v Italiji
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Bourdieu, Pierre (2002a) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of
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Bou-Franch, Patricia & Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar
(2012) »Social Interaction in YouTube Text-Based Polylogues: A Study of
Coherence«, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 17: 501–521.
Brady, Erika (1999) A Spiral Way: How the Phonograph Changed Ethnography.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
Britan, Gerald M. & Cohen, Ronald (1980) »Toward an Anthropology of Formal
Organizations«, v: Gerald M. Britan & Ronald Cohen (ur.), Hierarchy and
Society, str. 9–30. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues.
Brohm, Jean-Marie & Bambuck, Roger (1992) Sociologie politique du sport.
Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy.
Brooks, John (1975) Telephone: The First Hundred Years. New York: Harper &
Brown, Mary Ellen (1994) Soap Opera and Women’s Talk: The Pleasure of
Resistence. London: Sage.
Bird, S. Elizabeth (ur.) (2010) The Anthropology of News and Journalism: Global
Perspectives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Blain, Neil & Boyle, Raymond & O’Donnell, Hugh (1993) Sport and National
Identity in the European Media. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
Blanchard, Kendall (1995) The Anthropology of Sport: An Introduction.
Westport: Bergin & Garvey.
Bogatec, Norina & Bufon, Milan (2008) Pre-misliti manjšino: Slovenci v Italiji
in skupni slovenski kulturni prostor po padcu meje: Anketa med člani slo-
venskih društev v Italiji. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-
raziskovalno središče, Založba Annales; Trst: Slovenski raziskovalni
Bottomore, Tom (1993) Elites and Society. London & New York: Routledge.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1978) »Sport and Social Class«, Social Science Information,
17(6): 819–840.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1994a) »L'emprise du journalisme«, Actes de la recherche en
sciences sociales, 101/102: 3–9.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1994b) Raisons pratiques: Sur la théorie de l'action. Pariz:
Éditions du Seuil.
Bourdieu, Pierre (2002a) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of
Taste. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre (2002b) Praktični čut. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis.
Bou-Franch, Patricia & Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar
(2012) »Social Interaction in YouTube Text-Based Polylogues: A Study of
Coherence«, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 17: 501–521.
Brady, Erika (1999) A Spiral Way: How the Phonograph Changed Ethnography.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
Britan, Gerald M. & Cohen, Ronald (1980) »Toward an Anthropology of Formal
Organizations«, v: Gerald M. Britan & Ronald Cohen (ur.), Hierarchy and
Society, str. 9–30. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues.
Brohm, Jean-Marie & Bambuck, Roger (1992) Sociologie politique du sport.
Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy.
Brooks, John (1975) Telephone: The First Hundred Years. New York: Harper &
Brown, Mary Ellen (1994) Soap Opera and Women’s Talk: The Pleasure of
Resistence. London: Sage.