Page 359 - Kotnik, Vlado. 2018. Medijske etnografije: K antropološki imaginaciji medijev in komuniciranja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 359
l i t er at u r a
Brown, Stephen Gilbert & Dobrin, Saidney I. (2004) Ethnography Unbound:
From Theory Shock to Critical Praxis. New York: State University of New
York Press.
Bulc, Gregor (2007) »Halo, kje si? Mobilni telefon in nadzorovanje v vsakdan-
jem življenju«, Javnost – The Public, 14: 75–88.
Burgess, Adam (2004) Cellular Phones, Public Fears, and a Culture of
Precaution. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Burgess, Jean (2012) »YouTube and the Formalisation of Amateur Media«, v:
Amateur Media: Social, Cultural and Legal Perspectives, ur. D. Hunter,
R. Lobato, M. Richardson, & J. Thomas, pp. 53–58. Abingdon: Routledge.
Burgess, Jean & Green, Joshua (2009) YouTube: Online Video and Participatory
Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Busch, Brigitta (1999) Der virtuelle Dorfplatz: Minderheitenmedien,
Globalisierung und kulturelle Identität. Celovec: Drava.
Busch, Brigitta (2004) Sprachen im Disput: Medien und Öffentlichkeit in multi-
lingualen Gesellschaften. Celovec: Drava.
Busch, Brigitte (1993) »Mediji in dvojezičnost«, Koroški koledar, str. 81–83.
Caldarola, Victor J. (1994) Reception as Cultural Experience: Mass Media and
Muslim Orthodoxy in Outer Indonesia. East Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press.
Campbell, Colin (2000) Romantična etika in duh modernega potrošništva.
Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis.
Caronia, Letizia (2005) »Mobile Culture: An Ethnography of Cellular Phone
Uses in Teenagers’ Everyday Life«, Convergence, 11(3): 96–103.
Casson, Herbert N. (1910) The History of the Telephone. Chicago: A. C. McClurg
& Company.
Castells, Manuel & Fernandez-Ardevol, Mireia & Linchuan Qiu, Jack & Sey,
Araba (2006) Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective.
Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Caton, Steven C. (1999) Lawrence of Arabia: A Film’s Anthropology. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Catsis, John (1996) Sports Broadcasting. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing
Cayari, Christopher (2011) »The YouTube Effect: How YouTube Has Provided
New Ways to Consume, Create, and Share Music«, International Journal
of Education & the Arts, 12(6): 1–30.
Brown, Stephen Gilbert & Dobrin, Saidney I. (2004) Ethnography Unbound:
From Theory Shock to Critical Praxis. New York: State University of New
York Press.
Bulc, Gregor (2007) »Halo, kje si? Mobilni telefon in nadzorovanje v vsakdan-
jem življenju«, Javnost – The Public, 14: 75–88.
Burgess, Adam (2004) Cellular Phones, Public Fears, and a Culture of
Precaution. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Burgess, Jean (2012) »YouTube and the Formalisation of Amateur Media«, v:
Amateur Media: Social, Cultural and Legal Perspectives, ur. D. Hunter,
R. Lobato, M. Richardson, & J. Thomas, pp. 53–58. Abingdon: Routledge.
Burgess, Jean & Green, Joshua (2009) YouTube: Online Video and Participatory
Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Busch, Brigitta (1999) Der virtuelle Dorfplatz: Minderheitenmedien,
Globalisierung und kulturelle Identität. Celovec: Drava.
Busch, Brigitta (2004) Sprachen im Disput: Medien und Öffentlichkeit in multi-
lingualen Gesellschaften. Celovec: Drava.
Busch, Brigitte (1993) »Mediji in dvojezičnost«, Koroški koledar, str. 81–83.
Caldarola, Victor J. (1994) Reception as Cultural Experience: Mass Media and
Muslim Orthodoxy in Outer Indonesia. East Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press.
Campbell, Colin (2000) Romantična etika in duh modernega potrošništva.
Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis.
Caronia, Letizia (2005) »Mobile Culture: An Ethnography of Cellular Phone
Uses in Teenagers’ Everyday Life«, Convergence, 11(3): 96–103.
Casson, Herbert N. (1910) The History of the Telephone. Chicago: A. C. McClurg
& Company.
Castells, Manuel & Fernandez-Ardevol, Mireia & Linchuan Qiu, Jack & Sey,
Araba (2006) Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective.
Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Caton, Steven C. (1999) Lawrence of Arabia: A Film’s Anthropology. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Catsis, John (1996) Sports Broadcasting. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing
Cayari, Christopher (2011) »The YouTube Effect: How YouTube Has Provided
New Ways to Consume, Create, and Share Music«, International Journal
of Education & the Arts, 12(6): 1–30.