Page 139 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
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S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations
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Smythe, E. (2012). Discerning which qualitative approach fits best. New Zealand
College of Midwives Journal, 46, 5–12.
Steen, M., & Roberts, T. (2011). The handbook of midwifery research. Oxford, Eng-
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Tsai, T.-I., & Lee, S.-Y. D. (2016). Health literacy as the missing link in the provi-
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Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije. 2014. Kodeks etike v zdravstveni
negi in oskrbi Slovenije in Kodeks etike za babice Slovenije. Ljubljana, Slove-
nia: Author.
S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations
and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare (pp. 117–137).
Koper, Slovenia: University of Primorska Press.