Page 180 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 180
ina Ličen, Igor Karnjuš, Urška Bogataj, Doroteja Rebec, and Mirko Prosen

Identification Records identified Additional records
through database identified through
searching (n = 487) other sources (n = 46)

Screening Records Records
after duplicates excluded
removed (n = 441) (n = 23)

Records Additional
screened records excluded
(n = 69)
(n = 17)

Eligibility Full-text articles Full-text articles
assessed for eligibility excluded, with reasons

(n = 52) (n = 48)

Included Studies included in
qualitative synthesis

(n = 4)

Figure 1 Presentation of the Selection Process through the PRISMA Flow Diagram

Zane, Nagayama Hall, & Berger, 2009). Teaching and learning methods and
the content of cultural competence in education interventions range from
simple approaches that specify aspects of cultural self-awareness and inter-
cultural communication skills to more complex understandings that show a
deeper analysis of socio-cultural barriers to healthcare at the clinical, organ-
isational level and structural levels (Betancourt et al., 2003). After reviewing
the literature, a conceptual framework derived from a synthesis of key cul-
tural competence models and educational intervention frameworks is sug-
gested to ensure a consistent approach to describing and assessing the in-
terventions. A conceptual framework (Table 2) comprises three domains that
describe the core ingredients of cultural competence education/training in-

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