Page 221 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2019. Vloga nacionalnih opernih gledališč v 20. in 21. stoletju - The Role of National Opera Houses in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 3
P. 221

The Italian “National Opera” Imagined
from a Southern Slavic Viewpoint:
Franjo Ks. Kuhač and Josip Mandić

Ivano Cavallini
Univerza v Palermo
University of Palermo

Social and cultural frame
The year 1848 was one of revolutions known as “the spring of nations”. In
Trieste it was preceded by a wide spread of Southern Slavic cultures via the
periodical La Favilla. On behalf of the democratic policy of the editors,
who openly sided with Giuseppe Mazzini, Count Medo Pucić and August
Kaznačić, both from Dubrovnik and students in Padua, were requested to
edit fourteen articles on the history of the Slavs from Russia to the Eastern
coast of the Adriatic sea.1 As a storm the national awakening involved Tri-
este and the Slovenian middle class, that in turn was supported by a learned
group of Czechs employed in many trading sectors, and appreciated as ex-
traordinary musicians.2 The three major ethnic groups of the city, Slovenes
(together with Croats), Germans and Italians, founded some cultural and

1 See Ivano Cavallini, “Morlacchismo, illirismo, involuzioni esotiche. L’immagine de-
gli slavi del sud nel teatro e nella musica dell’Ottocento in Italia/Morlakizem, iliri-
zem, ekosotična zamotanost. Lik južnega slovana v italijanskem gledališču in gla-
sbi devetnajstega stoletja”, in Umetnosti izraz ob nacionalnem vprašanju. Glasba,
likovna in besedna umetnost ob slovensko-italijanski meji v drugi polovici XIX. sto-
letja do prihoda fašizma/L’espressione artistica e la questione nazionale. La musica,
le arti figurative e le lettere nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento al confine italo-slove-
no fino all’avvento del fascismo, ed. Aleksander Rojc (Trst-Ljubljana: Glasbena Mati-
ca-SAZU, 2014), 375–82, 406–13.

2 Aleksander Rojc, Cultura musicale degli sloveni a Trieste: dal 1848 all’avvento del fas-
cismo (Trieste: Editoriale Stampa Triestina, 1978), passim; Ivano Cavallini, “Music
Migrations from the Bohemian Lands to Trieste and the National Awakening of the
Southern Slavs,” in Music Migration in the Early Modern Age: Centres, Peripheries –

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