Page 141 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 141
t toothache is a severe pain and that it is very important to prevent it. Dur- content of dental education and prevention in preschool children 139
ing the visit, children can also read a story related to the topic.

Fourth visit in kindergarten: How to prevent an early childhood caries?
The nurse talks with children about the importance of proper tooth washing
and the correct choice of toothbrush and toothpaste. Teach them how to han-
dle a toothbrush and what are the rules for dental washing that are extreme-
ly important for our safety. They talk about proper care of the toothbrush after
the wash is finished. She also explains why it is also important that parents help
them to wash their teeth and care for their health.

Fifth visit in kindergarten: The Importance of a Healthy Eating
and Drinking Healthy Fluid.
The nurse with children discusses the importance of healthy eating and drink-
ing water. In doing so, she can also help with the didactic device of the mag-
netic tablet of a food pyramid, on which children themselves install foods that
are on magnets. Teach them - the smaller the field on the pyramid, the smaller
quantity of foods from a particular field must be on the menu. Then, together
with the educators, they cut some seasonal fruits and vegetables that are avail-
able and try together. We also discuss the importance of drinking water for our
health, why we do not sweeten too often and only after the main meal. We also
discuss why we avoid bubbles and, in the end, we also practically illustrate it.
In the carbonated beverage we immerse the true tooth and in a month we ob-
serve the changes that have occurred on it.

Sixth visit in kindergarten: Dentist is not a Scarecrow, why we should
be afraid?!
The nurse brings some instruments into the kindergarten, which are used in
a dental clinic (mammal, mirror, probe, clamp ...). All these instruments chil-
dren are allowed to hold and find out what it is done and why this dentist needs
in their work. Together, they find out if sound or noise occurs when using. In
the end, a real dental clinic, where dentist work, is followed by a visit. In this
way, children does not develop fear of a dentist, but the visit is usually a real ad-
venture for the child, who will be happy to remember.

The results obtained in the study reveal the acquisition of better oral hygiene
in relation to brushing teeth in pre-school children, which proves the effective-
ness of such oral health activities if children also have home parent support
(Cooper et al., 2013). The study, which was conducted in Thailand with 3,706
children, assessed the usefulness of the program for the promotion of tooth
health in kindergartens where children were brushed under expert supervision
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