Page 136 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 136
Table 2 represents results of nursing students‘ opinions about the effects
of physical activity on stress management. Implementing physical activity
makes it easier to manage stress for 86.8 % respondents.

Table 3: Correlation between frequency of implementing physical activity
and occurrence of stress symptoms

Frequency of implementing physical activity

Stress symptoms N rs p
Physical symptoms
Mental symptoms 159 - 0.155 0.051
Behavioural symptoms 159
159 - 0.174 0.029

- 0.193 0.015

zdravje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 134 rs – Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient; p – statistical characteristic; N – number

Correlation is weak but significantly important in reducing mental symp-
t-o0m,1s93o,fpst=re0s,s0(1r5s)=. T-h0e,1c7o4r,rpela=ti0o,n02i9n) and behavioural symptoms of satlrseossn(ergsa=-
reducing physical symptoms is
tive, but a bit too weak to be statistically important (rs = - 0,155, p = 0,051).

Physical activity is highly ranked as a stress managing technique among nurs-
ing students. Respondents realise the effects of physical activity are positive.
The research‘s findings show that the most nursing students manage stress eas-
ier by implementing physical activity, and only a few believe it is not so. Sirk
(2013) and Rogač (2010) discovered similar results, that students frequently use
physical activity to reduce stress in their lives.

By researching reasons to implement physical activity, we‘ve discovered
that nursing students often choose physical activity to reduce tension. Gojkovič
(2009) wrote, that students frequently use physical activity to manage stress,
and a bit more seldomly for health and satisfaction. Cupar (2012) wrote that
students frequently use physical activity for health and enjoyment, reducing
pressure and for fun.

The main findings of the research reveal, that the frequency of exercis-
ing is statistically significantly related to the reduction of mental and behavio-
ral symptoms of stress. Similar findings about positive effects on mental and
behavioural symptoms have been explored by Gojkovič (2010), who wrote that
high school students who are physically active don‘t have troubles with insom-
nia, concentrate on their work better, don‘t feel tense, solve their problems eas-
ier and have more confidence in themselves. Chatzitheodorou et al. (2007)
proved, that moderate or vigorous physical activity positively effects on physi-
cal symptoms of stress.
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