Page 173 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 173
e influence of psychosocial interventions
on resilience of abused children

Dajana Tatar, Ana Prosen, Urška Jurkovič, Ivana Knez, Andrej Starc

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Introduction: Negative experiences early childhood, such as family abuse,
affects their biological and psychological system and development.
Consequences are shown in short- and long-term behavioral and mental
problems. Methods: We reviewed the existing scientific and professional
literature. We focused on current literature in Slovene, Croatian and
English language, between 2002 and 2019. The search was done in the
Slovene database COBIB.SI and in foreign databases such as Academic
Search Complete, CINAHL, SAGE Journals Online, Science Direct and
PubMed. Results: Resilience to stress is a complex multidimensional
construct. There is little literature that would not only focus on the
approach or intervention, but also on the relevance and quality of these
interventions. Lack of attention is also devoted to exploring how different
interventions and decisions affect children’s behavioral and mental
health. Discussion and conclusion: The children’s degree of resilience is
influenced by supporting pillars and also by the quality of interventions.
Revictimization, a longer period between first and last reported incident
of maltreatment and consequently the age at first and age at last reported
incident were significant predictors of mentioned degree.
Key words: child abuse, resilience, psychosocial impact, interventions.
Abuse of children is a violation of children’s basic rights with devastating con-
sequences for the rest of their lives. It occurs independently of age, sex and
culture. Cases are underreported and may not be disclosed at the right time
(Borg et al., 2018). It is also unclear which interventions should professionals
use, what is their role in promoting resilience or even how to work properly
in mutual cooperation with multidisciplinary teams, to contribute to the best
possible solution for the child and his resilience (Ungar, 2018). There are very
few studies that simultaneously discuss how different interventions and deci-
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