Page 174 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 174
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 172 sions affect the children, their behavioral and mental health. The resilience of
the child is not latent, but is the result of various support systems and complex
interventions (Ungar, 2018).

Recognition of abuse or neglect
In Slovenian legislation, the Family Violence Prevention Act (ZPND) defines
in Article 3, as domestic violence, the following: “Domestic violence is any use
of one family member’s physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence
against another family member or neglect, regardless of age, gender or any oth-
er personal circumstance of the victim or perpetrator or the perpetrator of vi-
olence (ZPND, 2008). We emphasize the importance of asking questions about
abuse or neglect in a direct, risk-free and developmentally appropriate way that
the child needs (Borg et al., 2018).

Assistance in Slovenia
Institutions dealing with child abuse are schools, kindergartens, social servic-
es, health centers, judicial authorities and internal affairs bodies (Selimanović,
2016). Selimanović (2016) also argues that responsible institutions poorly coop-
erate with each other. All professionals, involved in proces of child abuse, have
to be familiar with their legal obligations, and they have to be able to under-
stand the prevalence and incidence of child abuse. They have to be able to rec-
ognize early signs and symptoms of different types of abuse (Coulborn Faller,
2017). Act 6 of the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act states that it is the du-
ty of all, especially professionals, to inform the appropriate institution in the
event of suspected abuse of the child and that is social work (ZPND, 2008). The
3. paragraph of act 14 of the ZPND (2008) states, that the responsibility of the
Social Work Center is also to establish a multidisciplinary team, shaped by the
ministry for Work, Family and Social Affairs, where they can - if necessary,
create a type of help assistance for victims (ZPND, 2008).

Types and importance of resilience
Although we are all born with a certain potential to overcome stressful situa-
tions, resilience is not innate ability. Rutter (1999) conceptualized resilience as
a dynamic process involving the interaction between risk factors and protec-
tive factors - which included individuals, their families and their community/

Individual resilience
It can be demonstrated by individuals who adapt to emergencies and achieve
positive and unexpected results in times of distress. Individual resilience is de-
scribed as the capacity of the individual to cope with problems, by considering
behaviour that a person uses to avoid distress (Hooper, 2009). Characteristics
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