Page 189 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 189
After conducting the literature search and applying all inclusion criteria, we in-
corporated seven studies on impact of sport activities on adolescent socializa-
tion. The studies are diverse in terms of methodological approaches used (Ta-
ble 1).

Table 1: Overview of the reviewed studies.

Authors and year Purpose of research Methodology Results
of publication
Investigation of sport ef- Cross-sectional study, Athlete and non-athlete the impact of sports activities on the adolescents socialization 187
Shameli et al. 2013 fect on shyness reduction multistep cluster sampling teenagers showed no sig-
Seabra et al. 2013 in athlete and non-athlete method, Chick and Boss nificant difference in shy-
Rossi et al. 2014 boy teenagers. shyness scale question- ness score.
Psychosocial correlates of naire, (n=44).
Riciputi et al. 2016 physical activity in school Interviews and standard- Boys and girls differed in
children aged 8–10 years. ized questionnaires. perceived attractiveness of
Pot, Verbeek, van Effects of the “Segundo Ethnographic study, doc- physical activity and per-
der Zwan and van Tempo” program on so- ument analysis, partic- ceived physical compe-
Hilvoorde 2016 cial inclusion in the city ipant observation, and tence, both of which in-
of Feira de Santana, Bahia semi-structured inter- fluenced level of physical
(Brazil). views (n=27). activity.
Participant perceptions Qualitative case study, Results of this study point
of character concepts in thematic data analysis out the importance of
a physical activity-based (n=24). sport in social matters
positive youth develop- while it provides better
ment program. Qualitative study, inter- opportunities for needy
views (n=21). individuals, as well as for
Socialisation into organ- children and adolescents
ised sports of young ado- at social risk.
lescents with a lower so- The findings provide par-
cio-economic status. ticipant-centred guidance
for understanding youth
personal and social de-
velopment through phys-
ical activity in ways that
are meaningful to partic-
ipants, which is particu-
larly needed for youth in
low-income communities
with limited youth pro-
Findings of this study,
showed that the way in
which sport socialisa-
tion works is relatively in-
dependent of socio-eco-
nomic status and that the
interplay between social-
ising agents is different for
young adolescents com-
pared to younger chil-
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