Page 188 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 188
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 186 Introduction
The concept of socialization is defined in the broad sense as a process through
which a human being becomes a member of a society. There are two types of
socialization namely primary and secondary socialization. First type occurs
during childhood and refers mainly to family and the second type or second-
ary socialization refers to the period of childhood in which a child begins to in-
teract strongly with other social environments. The child in this period is try-
ing to integrate into a group of colleagues, friends and is no longer under the
control of parents (Bi et al. 2018).

Young people in today’s world live in a period of growing social media
network and they spend several hours daily using it. Social media offer them
entertainment, social connection and communication. There are benefits of the
digital world media but there are also risks of using it (Keeffe and Clarke-Pear-
son 2011). A high risk represents sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity of
young. Lack of physical activity can impair teenagers healthy growth and de-
velopment, and negatively affect their physical and mental health (Pomohaci
and Sopa 2016).

Many projects try to improve physical activity and the fundamental
movement skills of children (Pot et al. 2016). Many studies emphasize the pos-
itive effects on persons who are actively involved in sport. Physical activity has
multiple benefits for physical, mental, cognitive, and psychosocial health that
contribute to learning (Warburton et al. 2006). Adolescents who are actively
involved in sport can develop many different skills, values, patterns of behav-
iour, they can teach to prevent and solve conflicts and to communicate. Sport
has generally significant role in socialization.

Motor activities are an important source of socialization, communica-
tion and social integration being an ideal setting in forming young people and
their further development. Sports improve physical and mental health but it
can also improve our social skills. Through playing sport they know what is
motivation and competition that help them to develop future life and career
(Pomohaci and Sopa 2016).

Literature review as a descriptive research method was used in this article. We
identified studies searching the literature in English and Slovenian language
published in period between 2008 and 2019 in following databases: Pubmed,
Cochrane Library, Science direct, ERIC and Web of science during the March
to May 2019 period. The keywords used are the following: sport, physical ac-
tivity, adolescent, socialization, sport socialization. We included only scientific
articles that analysed children. We formulated the following research question:
“How sport activities impacts on socialization of young?“
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