Page 190 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 190
Authors and year Purpose of research Methodology Results
of publication
Practicing sports for chil-
Quality of life and stu- Literature review dren and adolescents has
Baciu and Baciu 2015 dent’s socialization obvious contribution to
their positive general de-
through sport. velopment.
Psychological and social
Eime et al. 2013 Psychological and social Literature review health benefits of sports
benefits of participation were reported by nu-
in sport for children and merous studies, the most
adolescents. commonly improved are
self-esteem, social interac-
tion and depressive symp-

zdravje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 188 Discussion
The main characteristic of modern lifestyle is lack of physical activity, howev-
er, it can impair healthy growth and development of teenagers, and negatively
affects their physical and mental health. Psychological and social health bene-
fits of sports were reported by numerous studies, with the most commonly im-
proved self-esteem, social interaction and depressive symptoms (Eime, Young,
Harvey and Payne 2013). Recognized as fundamental to human development,
sports practices have come close to the fields of health and education. As ex-
perts found, sport helps prevent health problems, absenteeism, drug use and
crime, and at the same time increases self-esteem, cooperation, solidarity and
social inclusion (Rossi, De Alencar, Rossi and Pereira 2014). Pot (2014) reported
that the economic situation of children does not significantly affect their par-
ticipation in sporting activities, but their parents play a major role in the pro-
motion of participation in sport. In the USA, they implement programs of pos-
itive development of young people (PYD) based on physical activity. Young
people report that their programs helped them to establish positive mutual re-
lationships, raise self-esteem and help them with moral growth, both between
programs and onwards (Riciputi, McDonough and Ullrich-French 2016). Re-
search also shows that competition sports are not suitable for younger children,
so they should be avoided. Participation in physical activities was also more en-
joyable in children (9-15 years) who were not forced to compete and win, but
encouraged them to experiment with various activities (Seabra, Seabra, Men-
donça, Brustad, Maia, Fonseca and Malina 2013). As the main reason for en-
gaging in physical activities, young people stated that it is most important to be
with friends and create new friendships. Significant gender differences were al-
so observed. The girls clearly emphasize the importance of friendship, and par-
ticipation in physical activities increased if they had friends with whom they
could share sports activity (Seabra, Seabra, Mendonça, Brustad, Maia, Fonseca
and Malina 2013). Some studies suggest that physical activity programs should
be designed specifically for boys and girls, as girls feel threatened in more se-
vere physical exercise and athletic sports. Based on the results, teenage athletes
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