Page 41 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 41
Methods the use of probiotics in the preschool period 39
A questionnaire based study was conducted to obtain the information about
the use of probiotics in the preschool period. The parents of children aged up to
6 years were invited to participate. The first part of the questionnaire referred
to the demographic information of parents and their knowledge and experi-
ence with the consumption of probiotics. Second part referred to the demo�-
graphic information of children and the use and experience of the using probi-
otics consumption for their children.

The information about the source, frequency and quantity of consumed
probiotic foods or supplements was investigated. We were also interested in the
motive and result of probiotic consumption. Each parent provided informa-
tion for one child. The questionnaire was available on the website

The questionnaire was completed by 102 parents, 96 % of women and 4 % of
men. Age of parents ranged from 22 years to 47 years. All participants have al-
ready heard about the term probiotics and only in 4 % the purpose of use was
unknown. Parents most often, learned about probiotics from books or maga-
zines (18.4 %) or online (18 %). Their consumption of probiotic was most often
encouraged through an online source (21.6 %).

Each parent provided information about one of their children. 102 chil-
dren participated in the study, 57 % of girls and 43 % of boys. The age of chil-
dren ranged from 2 months to 5 years. 88.2 % of the parents agreed with the
statement, that probiotic consumption is healthy for their child. And also 86.3%
of parents claim to include probiotics in their child’s diet. The most common
source of probiotics is exclusively probiotic foods (36.7 %), followed by a com-
bination of probiotic foods and supplements (28.4 %) and exclusively through
food supplements (12.8 %). There were 4.9 % of children, who didn’t consume
any probiotics, either through food or supplements, until the age of 15 months.

That consumption of probiotics during pregnancy was stated in 11.8 %
cases. The children first experience of probiotic consumption was in most cas-
es associated with antibiotic treatment (25.5 %), followed by the introduction of
probiotics through milk formulation and breastfeeding (20.6 %) and the intro-
duction to of solid foods (24.5 %). The first administration of probiotics to the
newborn were the first indigestion problems in 4.9 % cases, in 1.9%, for allergies
treatment or the treatment of infantile colic in 1%.

The main sources of probiotics in child’s diet are cheese (81.4 %), plain yo-
gurt (79.4 %), pickles (60.8 %) and fruit yogurt (57.8 %). Most commonly con-
sumed amount of cheese and pickles is 20 g (46.1 % and 30.4 %) and 200 ml of
plain and fruit yogurt (43.1 % and 36.3 %). Individual probiotic foods are most
commonly consumed 1 to 2 times a week. When we combine the frequency of
consumption, children consume probiotic foods on average 1.7 times a day. Ta-
ble 1 and 2 shows the use of probiotic foods in the child’s diet in the last month.
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