Page 159 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 159
rest, as open learning space - an example of good practice otrok in mladostnik – okolje | child and adolescent - environment
Anja Loboda Čampelj
Kindergarten Viški gaj, Reška ulica 31, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Quality of life and living in nature is severely curtailed with the pace of today's
lives of young families. Teachers and other professionals are thus offered the
opportunity to step out of the comfort zone of their classrooms and play-
grounds and offer the youngest children genuine contact with nature – the ex-
ample of good practice presented below. Firstly, a one-year gathering with the
forest, was originally meant to enrich the annual program of the group, but due
to its breadth it turned into a three-year life with the forest. The most space
was initially devoted to nature (exploring with all the senses in different sea-
sons) and moving (climbing, running, jumping, ...), the two of the areas of the
national Curriculum for kindergartens. Over time, it was found that all the rest
areas (language, society, mathematics, art) were spontaneously involved and
that any activity could be performed outside. The results of the three-year "so-
cializing" with the forest are reflected in children as a good measure of motor
skills, in the abundance of joy to life, in the fact that children achieved a good
potential for a respectful attitude towards nature and human beings. Children
relax, live and calm down in nature. With initially skeptical parents, we have
created complete trust and support.
Keywords: quality of life, forest, situational learning, respectful attitude,
motor skills
Anja Loboda Čampelj
Kindergarten Viški gaj, Reška ulica 31, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Quality of life and living in nature is severely curtailed with the pace of today's
lives of young families. Teachers and other professionals are thus offered the
opportunity to step out of the comfort zone of their classrooms and play-
grounds and offer the youngest children genuine contact with nature – the ex-
ample of good practice presented below. Firstly, a one-year gathering with the
forest, was originally meant to enrich the annual program of the group, but due
to its breadth it turned into a three-year life with the forest. The most space
was initially devoted to nature (exploring with all the senses in different sea-
sons) and moving (climbing, running, jumping, ...), the two of the areas of the
national Curriculum for kindergartens. Over time, it was found that all the rest
areas (language, society, mathematics, art) were spontaneously involved and
that any activity could be performed outside. The results of the three-year "so-
cializing" with the forest are reflected in children as a good measure of motor
skills, in the abundance of joy to life, in the fact that children achieved a good
potential for a respectful attitude towards nature and human beings. Children
relax, live and calm down in nature. With initially skeptical parents, we have
created complete trust and support.
Keywords: quality of life, forest, situational learning, respectful attitude,
motor skills