Page 25 - Experience the University of Primorska: Welcome Guide for Exchange Students. Eds. Tatjana Mikelić Goja, Maja Bratuš Vidmar, Petra Zidar. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 25
ding System

Slovenian grading scheme ECTS grading scheme Description of the grades

10 (Excellent) A (Excellent) Outstanding performance with only minor errors.
9 (Very Good) B (Very Good) Above the average standard but with some errors.
8 (Very Good) Generally sound work with a number of notable errors.
C (Good) Fair but with significant shortcomings.
7 (Good) D (Satisfactory) Performance meets the minimum criteria.
6 (Poor) Considerable further work is required.
5 – 1 (Unsatisfactory) E (Sufficient)
F, FX (Fail)

The student's obligation may also be assessed with a descriptive grade of »passed« or »not
passed« and »recognized« or »not recognized« if so determined by the study programme.

The University of Primorska uses also the European Grade Conversion System – E­ GRACONS
The tool enables a transparent interpretation of students' accomplishments abroad:

Language of Instruction

In principle, the language of instruction is Slovenian. However, during personal consultations
foreign students can communicate with their professors and lecturers in English. At some
faculties, individual courses may be conducted in English if enough students are registered.

Beside study programmes in Slovenian, the University of Primorska offers also several study
programmes in English language.

Learn Slovenian

The Faculty of Humanities offers free Slovenian language courses (basic level (A1), intermedi-
ate level (A2) and advance level (B1)) as a part of regular study programme. The elective su-
bject Slovenian language as a second / foreign language has the duration of 60 contact hours

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