Page 26 - Experience the University of Primorska: Welcome Guide for Exchange Students. Eds. Tatjana Mikelić Goja, Maja Bratuš Vidmar, Petra Zidar. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 26
ECTS) and is intended for in-
ternational students of the Uni-
versity of Primorska. For detai-
led information on the courses,
please visit:

ht tp://w w w.f -

International students may also
attend the Summer School
of the Slovenian language on
the Slovenian Coast known as
»­Hello, this is the Slovenian Me-
diterranean!« held every year in
July at the Faculty of ­Humanities.
During the Summer School ses-
sion students can take the ele-
mentary, intermediate or ad-
vanced 40-hour, 2-week course,
with accompanying activities (fi-
eld trips, workshops, lectures
and theme nights).

For more information please visit:
ht tp://w w w.f -

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