Page 30 - Experience the University of Primorska: Welcome Guide for Exchange Students. Eds. Tatjana Mikelić Goja, Maja Bratuš Vidmar, Petra Zidar. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 30
dent Life

Student Identification Card

Exchange students receive a student ID card that permits entry to various university faciliti-
es. In addition, it allows students to eat in numerous restaurants and eating facilities at redu-
ced prices. The card allows discounts when purchasing entry tickets for swimming pools, fi-
tness centres, museums, shops and some types of public transport.

Student Societies

Joining a student society is one of the best ways to meet fellow students and discover what
the university has to offer.
Student Organization of the University of Primorska (ŠOUP) is active in the following are-
as: culture, sport and student recreation, social affairs, higher education, student counselling
and international cooperation. ŠOUP provides consultation services and a variety of social
gatherings and events (cultural, volunteering, sports, recreational and other events) to enri-
ch the student life experience at the University of Primorska.
Together with the university, ŠOUP has established the widely known and acclaimed Acade-
mic Choir of the University of Primorska where choral enthusiasts enjoy music.
Sports activities for students are organized within the University Sport Association of Pri-
morska (UŠZP). The »Zdrava zabava« card members can participate at free sport recrea-
tions and get student discounts on courses, fitness and other sport facilities (https://www. The Counseling Centre of Primorska (PRIMSS), also under the auspices of ŠOUP,
includes psychosocial services and legal protection.
At the faculty level, students are active in Student Councils of the members of the univer-
sity; the University Student Council is a body of the university representing the interests of

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