Page 31 - Experience the University of Primorska: Welcome Guide for Exchange Students. Eds. Tatjana Mikelić Goja, Maja Bratuš Vidmar, Petra Zidar. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 31
versity Library and Public Libraries

University Library has branch libraries operating at different locations. Every faculty has its
own library where students can use or borrow study materials and professional literatu-
re. Students enrolled at any of the university members can access the libraries of the other
members free of charge. Further, the libraries and computer rooms offer students free
access to the Internet for study purposes. Wireless Internet is available to all students of the
University of Primorska.

Apart from the University Library, public libraries are also located in Koper, Izola and Piran.

Career Center of the University of Primorska

Career Center of the University of Primorska serves as the information and counselling po-
int for students, graduates and others who would like to plan and develop their career path.
Within career counselling, it helps students to uncover their potentials and learn how to use
competences gained during their various life and study experiences, including an internati-
onal mobility experience, in their future career and life. Career Center offers also different
workshops, seminars, courses and other forms of lifelong-learning activities.


Slovenia has a lot of traditional foods that differ greatly from one another. On the Slovenian
coast, the cuisine is under a considerable influence of the Italian and Mediterranean cuisine.
Some good seafood, pasta and pizza is a »must« to try.

You can buy Slovenian food and home-made products, such as top quality cheeses and dai-
ry products, cured meat products, excellent wines, and honey in a marketplace and in spe-
cialised stores.


As a foreigner, you can open a bank account practically in any bank. You will be able to open
a residential or a non-residential bank account, depending on your residence permit sta-
tus. Anyone who wants to open a bank account in Slovenia, has to obtain a Slovenian tax

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