Page 429 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 429

Luba Kijanovska, Zoryiana Lastovecka
Music education in the post-Habsburg space
(using the example of music institutions in Lviv / Lemberg)
Lviv, the former capital of “The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria”, in
1918/19 – the arena of struggle between Ukrainians and Poles, and from
1919 – a part of re-established Polish state “The Second Polish Republic” (II
Rzeczpospolita), has not become an exception to this process. However, the
Ukrainian community of the region continued to cultivate its national cul-
ture and education.
In Lviv in the interwar twenty years there were four higher educational in-
stitutions: three of them – practical (the Conservatory of the Polish Musi-
cal Society, the Mykola Lysenko Higher Musical Institute, the Karol Szy-
manowski Conservatory), and the fourth – the Institute of Musicology at
the University. Then they had the following features:
− cooperation with the musical institutions of Vienna, Prague, War-
saw and other cities of Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, France,
Germany, Switzerland;
− the establishment of a number of branches; especially many had
the Mykola Lysenko Higher Musical Institute – 19 branches;
− the tendency of quantitative growth of students and teachers (its
peak was in the mid twenties of the XXth century) and the decline
− gradual improvement of educational programs and plans; the or-
ganization of didactic process within each educational institu-
tion in the absence of one national system of musical education
and unification of programs, plans and structure of educational
− internationalization of personnel; labor combined in various edu-
cational establishments of the city, in other artistic institutions;
− above-pedagogical (creative, performing, musical and critical,
scientific, social) activities of leading teachers of all higher educa-
tional institutions.
Keywords: Conservatory, Musical Education, Post-Habsburg Model, na-
tional system of musical education.

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