Page 432 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 432
konservator iji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela

Lehranstalten sowie ihre Lehrtätigkeit vor und vergleicht vor allem ihre
Schlüsselwörter: Paris, Prag, Wien, musikpädagogischer Konzepte

Primož Kuret
The Ljubljana school of composition controversy
Before the establishment of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana in 1938, Uroš
Prevoršek, then a violin student in Milan, raised the issue of the school of
composition in Ljubljana. Lucijan Marija Škerjanc and Slavko Osterc were
the professors of composition. He questioned the work of composer Slavko
Osterc and accused the younger and youngest generations of composers of
a lack of compositional knowledge. First to respond to the article was Pav-
el Šivic, who labelled Prevoršek’s writing as “harmful and unacceptable”.
The controversy was joined by an anonymous article writer in the Slovenec
newspaper who accused Prevoršek of a “lack of objectivity” and of being
“unfair”. Prevoršek published a reply in Jutro, where he defended his views
on the grounds that he was referring only to the school of composition, not
to the Academy of Music, and ventured the view that questions about Os-
terc‘s school of composition had existed since the outset. As a former pupil
of this school, he knew it very well and was able to compare it to schools in
other countries. He rejected the accusation that he did not appreciate Os-
terc‘s work as a composer and repeated that his interest was in an objective
and serious school. Following Šivic‘s reply, the newspaper‘s editors deemed
the controversy closed.
Keywords: composition school, Osterc, Šivic, Škerjanc, controversy.

Jana Lengová
Das Konservatorium in Bratislava und die ersten drei
Jahrzehnte seiner Tätigkeit (1919–1949): Persönlichkeiten,
Struktur, Bedeutung
Die neue kulturpolitische und gesellschaftliche Situation nach der Wende
von 1918 bedeutete eine große Herausforderung für die Entwicklung des
slowakischen Musiklebens. Zu einem der Schwerpunkte zählte die Insti-
tutionalisierung des Musikschulwesens. Das 1919 errichtete Konservatori-
um in Bratislava, zuerst Musikschule für die Slowakei, später Musikalische
und dramatische Akademie genannt, funktionierte anfangs auf Vereinsba-
sis und kämpfte infolgedessen mit materiellen Schwierigkeiten. Erst 1941,
nach der Verstaatlichung und Umbenennung in Staatliches Konservatori-

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