Page 394 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VIII (2012), številka 15-16, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 394
gary, while others attended divine service at least twice a year in the so-called
designated places far away in Hungary. Števan Küzmič, a priest among the
Slovene emigrants in the region of Surd, published his translation of the New
Testament in the Prekmurian standard language in 1771.
UDC 271.2-726.2:929 Katzenstein F.K.
France M. Dolinar
The Bishop of Ljubljana Franc Kazianer’s reform endeavours
and Trubar
Two legends about the Ljubljana bishop Franc Kazianer von Katzenstein
became entwined in literature: according to one he was “theologically unedu-
cated, weak in character and faith”, according to the other at least a Protestant
sympathizer if not an outright Protestant. The article presents Bishop Kazianer
in the broader context of happenings in the Church, the empire and concretely
in Slovenia, which entirely contradicts the above two legends.
Kazianer’s activity in the Ljubljana diocese coincided with the final serious
attempt by the Roman Catholic Church to find a common language with the
Reformation movement, set in motion by Martin Luther. Bishop Franc Kazianer
was aware of the necessity of an internal renewal of the Church and wished to
realize this in his diocese. So he gave decisive support to the fervent priests
who took action against abuses in the Church, including Trubar, whom he
even chose as his confessor.
In his endeavours for the renewal of the Church Kazianer naturally could
not remain indifferent to the demands of the Reformation. Nevertheless he
did not seek theological bases for his reform endeavours in Luther but in the
Constantinople patriarch St John Chrysostom. To what extent Kazianer was
acquainted with the details of contemporary religious discussions between
Cardinal Contarini and Melanchthon is not known, but nevertheless he re-
mained until his death faithful to the Roman Catholic Church in matters of
doctrine and religious practice.
UDC 2:17:327
Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
Was hält die Gesellschaft zusammen? Weltreligionen – Weltfrieden –
Weltethos. Ein Aufruf des Theologen Hans Küng
Hans Küngs Idee eines „Weltethos“ als eines gemeinsamen Fundaments
ethischer Werte über Religionen und Weltanschauungen hinweg war Thema
gary, while others attended divine service at least twice a year in the so-called
designated places far away in Hungary. Števan Küzmič, a priest among the
Slovene emigrants in the region of Surd, published his translation of the New
Testament in the Prekmurian standard language in 1771.
UDC 271.2-726.2:929 Katzenstein F.K.
France M. Dolinar
The Bishop of Ljubljana Franc Kazianer’s reform endeavours
and Trubar
Two legends about the Ljubljana bishop Franc Kazianer von Katzenstein
became entwined in literature: according to one he was “theologically unedu-
cated, weak in character and faith”, according to the other at least a Protestant
sympathizer if not an outright Protestant. The article presents Bishop Kazianer
in the broader context of happenings in the Church, the empire and concretely
in Slovenia, which entirely contradicts the above two legends.
Kazianer’s activity in the Ljubljana diocese coincided with the final serious
attempt by the Roman Catholic Church to find a common language with the
Reformation movement, set in motion by Martin Luther. Bishop Franc Kazianer
was aware of the necessity of an internal renewal of the Church and wished to
realize this in his diocese. So he gave decisive support to the fervent priests
who took action against abuses in the Church, including Trubar, whom he
even chose as his confessor.
In his endeavours for the renewal of the Church Kazianer naturally could
not remain indifferent to the demands of the Reformation. Nevertheless he
did not seek theological bases for his reform endeavours in Luther but in the
Constantinople patriarch St John Chrysostom. To what extent Kazianer was
acquainted with the details of contemporary religious discussions between
Cardinal Contarini and Melanchthon is not known, but nevertheless he re-
mained until his death faithful to the Roman Catholic Church in matters of
doctrine and religious practice.
UDC 2:17:327
Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
Was hält die Gesellschaft zusammen? Weltreligionen – Weltfrieden –
Weltethos. Ein Aufruf des Theologen Hans Küng
Hans Küngs Idee eines „Weltethos“ als eines gemeinsamen Fundaments
ethischer Werte über Religionen und Weltanschauungen hinweg war Thema