Page 392 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VIII (2012), številka 15-16, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 392

bution to that. This does not mean abandoning evangelization; but evangeliza-
tion must not mean undermining and abolishing such features of modern so-
ciety as the separation of church and state, religious freedom, individual and
collective human rights, modern science and technology.

The question of how to live in secular society is one which also concerns
the lay, atheist and secular side. For them, too, there arises the question (of
responsibility), of how to understand and practise secularization as a common
heritage and value, without going astray into “secularism”, “laicistic/secularis-
tic fundamentalism”. It is no coincidence that Jürgen Habermas has drawn
attention several times to this responsibility of the secular/atheist side.

UDC 274"15"929Vlahovič G.

Janez Weiss
Gregor Vlahovič – the life and work of a preacher on the margin
of the empire

This article presents a short biography of Gregor Vlahovič, one of the most
important Reformation figures in the region of Lower Carniola and White
Carniola, and aims to include him in the lively events of the second half of the
16th century. He was born at Ribnik in Croatia and educated by Glagolitic
priests; in the 1550s through contact with the works of Primož Trubar he con-
verted to Protestantism and began work as a preacher at Metlika. He cooper-
ated in the Bible Institute in Urach and also preached in Croatia. Changes in
the places where he worked took him from Metlika to Novo mesto, and from
there to Brežice, where he experienced the maelstrom of the 1573 peasant up-
rising; finally at the request of the Carniolan Provincial Estates he returned to
Metlika. Before his death – he died in Ljubljana not yet 58 years old – he was
preacher at Radeče ob Savi. Vlahovič set an example as a very active preacher;
his fervour, commitment and strictness resulted in a turbulent life, full of chal-
lenges and not a few conf licts with Roman Catholic priests as well as Protes-
tant fellow-sufferers. His work left a strong stamp on the Reformation within
the territory of present-day south-east Slovenia.

UDC 274(497.4):271/279

Sašo Jerše
“The apotheosis of Primož Trubar” – a romantic view of the Slovene
Reformation and its boundaries

The starting point for this article is the oil painting by the Slovene artist
Leon Koporec with the title The apotheosis of Primož Trubar. The painting

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