Page 227 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XIII (2017), številka 25, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 227
them, except the copy in Olomouc, which is bound in a green coloured limp parchment
binding, and those which were re-bound, basically have a structurally similar binding.
The copy from the Kranj Municipal Library was also similarly bound. The text block
was sewn on four double hemp cords, which were positioned in the wood block through
tunnels and channels. The cover was overlaid with alum-tawed pigskin, and decorated
with blind imprints of cylindrical, linear and flat metal seals. On the upper cover only
two stiff parts of the German-type brass clasps are preserved.

Keywords: Dalmatin Bible, book, paper, structure, binding

UDK: 284.1:929Luther M.

Božidar Debenjak
Martin Luthers Kritik des Wuchers und der Gier
In einer analytischen Darstellung werden vier Texte Luthers präsentiert: Von Kauffs­
handlung vnd wucher, Vom Wucher, Eyn Sermon auff das Euangelion von dem Reychen
man vnd armen Lasaro, An die Pfarrherrn Wider den Wucher zu predigen. Vermanung.
Luthers Ausgangspunkt ist die auf dem Evangelium fußende soziale Verantwortung;
der rücksichtslose Wucher und finanzielle Spekulationen des frühen Kapitalismus seien
unzulässig. Der Pfarrherr bzw. der Prediger haben da große Pflichten, sehr bedeutend
sind aber auch die Aufgaben der Rechtspfleger und der Obrigkeit. Die Luthersche Kritik
wird erneut aktuell in der Epoche des Neoliberalismus und seiner Exzesse.

UDC: 316.74:27

Marko Kerševan
What is/is not Christian? What do public holidays tell us/not tell us?
Concerning the holidays that signify the major folk/religious/church holidays of
western civilization (Christmas, New Year, Easter) the author deals with the following
questions: Are these holidays a confirmation, denial or re-evaluation of Christian belief?
Did the Christian faith conceive of them, complement or critique them? Where does
Christianity stand between the old (and new) paganism on the one hand and atheism
on the other? In explaining the content and form of these celebrations, the author relies
on Levi-Strauss and Mircea Eliade.

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