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r Rižnar | Higher Education Mix (Four Bs of Higher Education Institutions)

comes, reference points, closing the quality circle) References
in education, dressing banalities up as profundi-
ties will only lead to serious rhetorical sickness, in Billig, M. 2008. ‘The Language of Critical Discourse
education and in society as a whole. As teachers Analysis: The Case of Nominalization.’ Discourse &
who value truth, we should not suffer the pseudo- Society 1 (6): 783–800.
profound gladly and should do our best to help
our students develop, as Cohen (2002) puts it, a ———. 2013. Learn to Write Badly. Cambridge: Cam-
better ‘crap detector.’ Education is about asking bridge University Press.
questions, validating answers, assessing mean-
ing and, last but not least, having a keen sense Chomsky, N. 2004. Chomsky on Miseducation. Edited by
of the ridiculous, all this done with cautiousness D. Macedo. Lanham, md: Rowman & Littlefield.
and humility.
Cohen, G. A. 2002. ‘Deeper into Bullshit.’ In Contours of
Agency: Essays on Themes from Harry Frankfurt, ed-
itd by S. Buss and L. Overton, 321–339. Cambridge,
ma: mit Press.

Frankfurt, H. G. 2009. On Bullshit. Princeton, ca: Prin-
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Kahneman, D. 2013. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Rižnar, I. 2017. ‘Is Higher Education in Dire Straits?’ In
Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small
and Medium-Sized Enterprises, edited by I. Rižnar
and K. Kavčič, 143–152. Koper: University of Pri-
morska Press.

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